Friday, June 18, 2010


People don't deserve to see not even I. In my opinion everyone should be blind. Maybe then everyone would appreciate the little things in life and not judge everyone by their appearences.. Like it really matters. You are marrying, making love to, loving their personality not their face. I know when your not blind its hard to not judge people by their appearence. But I think everyone should see the movie mask because Rocky Dennis was probably the uglyest person I had possibly ever seen, but he was actually beautiful and he ended up with a beautiful, but she was blind of course and she saw him from the inside for who he really was and her parents were repulsed by him because of his facial deformity and it really breaks my heart that people could be so cruel. People are really like that though which kills me. Maybe its because I have a kind heart, but I think everyone should see that movie and learn something from it. I want the world to be a better place and give people a chance before you dismiss them because they arent the best looking person and see them for who they truely are. I just think that it is sad that it sometimes has to take a blind person to love someone like this. I have dated some REALLY ugly people and I loved them alot. But i also moved around alot too, But have an open mind and give everyone a chance. Rocky Dennis is my hero.. ♥

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Haircut color?

I want to die my hair . Well i already have red in my bangs, But i dont have any new pics of me at the current point as soon as i do i will post them. But i wqant to die all my hair red of some sort. I already have my haircut but i cant wait to color it RAWRRR! Im not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.. REPTAR!

My Favoritest Place in Athens, Georgia

Piercings.= Rawr

Another thought... I have no clue why but I love a guy with a lip or eyebrow piercing. I really dont know why i just think its super hot. Hm Cool I suppose =P

Japanese hobo

So i was thinking.. And i remember having this conversation with my friend Gage at my old high school and I walked up to him and said.. " Hey... Gage, what would you be my friend if i was bald but only had one hair growing ontop of my head?" he says "yeah hahaha" And i go "So what would you think if I just came to school tomorrow with my head shaved like that?" he says "I would call you my Japanese hobo" ... I dont know it was just a thought lmao I miss That Gage.. And justin


today is 7/17/10 I only have to attend one more day of school and that would be this upcoming monday! I am so excited I had a gym junior final? it was so weird We actually had 100 questions and like three essays haha. I am pretty sure i passed mostly common sense. But gym? Really?! lmao. We unplugged something in the Cafe today so its going to be really funny if tomorrow People go into the cafe and they go "Ugh what the HELL is that smell?!" and all the milk is nasty. Oh well im not going tomorrow anyway ill hear about it on monday lol. -peace-

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Please Pass this around

To Write Love On Her Arms is a self-mutilation program and for those of you who do not know WHAT that means it is an organization to help people to stop cutting or hurting themselves. And what makes me bring this up is because I know people that suffer from a self-mutilation disorder. I want to get people help for people. I just want people to advertise and promote the TWLOHA movement.

Great fun!

So now I have some music up THANK YOU!! -Lol- I wanted to put more on but i cant fit my WHOLE library in there. I am excited i cant wait until my birthday. I went to a concert last three days ago let's see We The Kings was there Taio Cruz, Jason Derulo, Iyaz, and Ke$ha i dont like Ke$ha she fell off the stage THANK GOD!! lmaooo it was funny as hell and Taio Cruz fell too! Jason Derulo ripped his shirt off pretty hot.

Your Kidding me!

Okay today I took my English and Biology final and guess what happened?!
I walked out the door without my Lit book or the other book i needed to pass the exam how annoying. I feel like a dumbass I might as well show up to school looking like this guy..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Its Tuesday, aaannnddd
I have sucky finals tomorrow for Biology and Engish.. Exams are so stressful. They sometimes want to make me give up. But i worked hard studying for them so I really want to pass with good grades this year I have slacked the past few years. well i need to get a good nights rest for tomorrow!! --Peace the hell Out-- <3>

The Beginning i suppose:

Well I have written alot, but I have to say that I have never written a blog. So to me this is a beginning. It is a new thing for me and I love trying new things so hopefully this is something worth doing. I'll start off telling a little bit about myself to give you an idea of who I am in a sense.
Photography is a big thing to me I love taking pictures. My photography mostly consists of landscapes and architecture. I will try posting up a few of my pictures that I take.
Summers are my favorite so many cherishable moments are captured in my memory from my past summers. Something exciting happens every summer. I love having a rush. In my opinion that is the best feeling a person could have. I have actually learned that from a very special person whom i cherish very deeply. I am hoping to go skydiving this summer , I also hope to hit the Warped Tour this year. I actually made a Youtube video tribute to Warped Tour 2010 if you want to check it out just go to my channel ImInLove8193 and its under tribute warped tour 2010
Music is a passion that I have and I feel as if I would go crazy without it. The only type of music i can not stand would be Country and Opera. Country all sounds the same to me and Opera is just annoying. If anyone wants to open me up to some new bands or music I would be glad to accept requests I enjoy discovering new artists.
I have many friends from Massachusettes to Florida. Some that i might never see again and some that will be there for me through thick and thin.
I am also known for getting into alot of trouble. I have not made the brightest decisions for my future but as i mature and see the world for what it is and experience life I realize my mistakes and become wiser. I try my best to be successful and to succeed in everything I do. I realize that life is not as long as you think it may be. There is no need to be wasting it.
So I am going to achieve all my goals no matter what I have to go through to live a successfull life and live my DREAMS.