Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Beginning i suppose:

Well I have written alot, but I have to say that I have never written a blog. So to me this is a beginning. It is a new thing for me and I love trying new things so hopefully this is something worth doing. I'll start off telling a little bit about myself to give you an idea of who I am in a sense.
Photography is a big thing to me I love taking pictures. My photography mostly consists of landscapes and architecture. I will try posting up a few of my pictures that I take.
Summers are my favorite so many cherishable moments are captured in my memory from my past summers. Something exciting happens every summer. I love having a rush. In my opinion that is the best feeling a person could have. I have actually learned that from a very special person whom i cherish very deeply. I am hoping to go skydiving this summer , I also hope to hit the Warped Tour this year. I actually made a Youtube video tribute to Warped Tour 2010 if you want to check it out just go to my channel ImInLove8193 and its under tribute warped tour 2010
Music is a passion that I have and I feel as if I would go crazy without it. The only type of music i can not stand would be Country and Opera. Country all sounds the same to me and Opera is just annoying. If anyone wants to open me up to some new bands or music I would be glad to accept requests I enjoy discovering new artists.
I have many friends from Massachusettes to Florida. Some that i might never see again and some that will be there for me through thick and thin.
I am also known for getting into alot of trouble. I have not made the brightest decisions for my future but as i mature and see the world for what it is and experience life I realize my mistakes and become wiser. I try my best to be successful and to succeed in everything I do. I realize that life is not as long as you think it may be. There is no need to be wasting it.
So I am going to achieve all my goals no matter what I have to go through to live a successfull life and live my DREAMS.

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